Do you ever get the feeling the person you are chatting to on a dating app is busy juggling multiple conversations with other people? You may find they drag their feet replying to your messages and come across as extremely busy when you suggest meeting up. In the dating world it’s certainly not unusual to …
date ideas
How to spot the signs somebody is emotionally unavailable
When you first start dating somebody who is emotionally unavailable, it can be hard to spot the signs and deal with their behaviour. Texts can go unanswered, and they seem close-lipped about so many elements of their life while blowing hot and cold about what you have together. Their approach to the relationship can leave …
The Deceptive Allure of Future Faking
For the most part, dating can be an exhilarating and enjoyable adventure, filled with the excitement of new connections and the promise of future possibilities. However, it can also be a minefield of emotional pitfalls and avoidable dating trends – one of the most deceptive being future faking. The term, which has gained popularity in …
How to handle falling for a close friend
It’s a common scenario – you’ve known somebody for a while as a friend and you start to feel that you may be developing feelings for them which fall well outside the realm of just being good buddies. It makes sense that a good friend may catch your eye. After all, you already have a …
Tips for dating when you are in your fifties
Searching for a partner in your fifties can be a great experience for a number of reasons. Many people grow more comfortable in their skin as they get older and have a better idea of what they are looking for in a partner. A recent survey found 60% of over-50 daters say they make better …
Dating in Cornwall: top tips for getting the most out of the area
If you live in Cornwall, you’re likely to already appreciate just how special it is to be surrounded by abundant countryside and jaw-dropping coastlines. Benefitting from beautiful blue waters, picturesque harbours, and idyllic beaches, the area is a huge draw for holiday makers and day trippers alike. If you’re lucky enough to live in Cornwall …
What makes an award-winning dating agency?
In the UK alone, there are 480 dating agencies. Add to this, over 1,400 online dating sites and apps and it is clear that the dating industry is highly saturated. However, like anything, there are varying levels when it comes to the success of the business and the quality of the service that they provide. …
Love Is In The Air: Global Love Conference 2024
In May, our Managing Director and Founder, Michelle Begy, and International Matchmaker, Ellie Harrison, headed to New York for the Global Love Conference – an annual event organised by the Global Love Institute to bring together experts in the dating industry. Surrounded by over 120 other professionals from all aspects of the dating industry, the …
Why is everybody so obsessed with height in the dating world?
How important in height in the dating world? If you are a regular dating app user, you’ll be very familiar with profiles including height – especially when it’s more than 6ft tall. Perhaps you’ve even asked somebody how tall they are because the information is omitted from a profile or been left wondering what somebody …
How to end a bad date – without faked excuses
In a perfect world every date you went on would be full of interesting conversation and fascinating insights into the other person’s life. Even if your date doesn’t set your world on fire, the evening would be fun, satisfying and a good use of your precious spare time. However, unfortunately not all dates end up …