In all relationships the honeymoon period must come to an end at some point. This is often the stage where you drop the rose-tinted spectacles and your partner’s flaws come to light. No matter how much you like somebody, in any long-term relationship there are bound to be elements of your partner’s behaviour and habits …
date ideas
Tips for dating as a high net worth individual
Let’s face it, dating is tricky at the best of times. While the prospect of meeting somebody new is incredibly exciting, it can be tricky to navigate the ups and down of everything from where to look for somebody new and nerve-wracking first dates to when to call and how to tell if the other …
Qualifications are at the heart of our award-winning service
At Ignite Dating we understand it can be a big decision to invest in the services of a matchmaker. If you are unfamiliar with the dating industry and how matchmaking works, then it might seem tricky to choose between the array of agencies available. Returning to the dating world after a long break can be …
What does quality look like in the dating world?
If you type dating agencies in the UK into Google, you’ll be met with an overwhelming number of possible agencies that all claim to be the ‘perfect partner’ for your dating journey. But with hundreds of agencies out there all offering slightly different services but promising the same results, how do you weed out the …
Navigating your first Christmas together as a couple
In those early stages of a relationship there are lots of firsts to navigate. First holidays, meeting each other’s friends, your first big fight and the box set you first binged together. Another that looms large on the calendar is the very first Christmas you’ll share as a new couple. It can be wonderful to …
The Science of Dating – How to maximise your chances of long term relationship success
While there is nothing unusual about having a type when it comes to dating, we all know somebody who is guilty of taking it a bit too far. Think about that colleague who is obsessed with only dating glamourous blondes, or your friend who won’t even look twice at somebody unless they are over 6ft …
Watch out for the dark triad in the dating world
Hands up who has heard of the dark triad? It may well be the first time you’ve come across the term but it’s well worth getting clued up on what it refers to in case you ever come across a dark triad in the dating world. The dark triad is used to describe people …
Why do people behave so badly in the digital dating world?
We are all familiar with the bad behaviour that takes place on online dating apps. From ghosting to breadcrumbing, and everything in between, you may have experienced first-hand the emotional hazards that are commonplace in the digital dating world. Daters have to navigate a plethora of online dating bad behaviours, explains a recent BBC article …
How do you approach somebody in real life?
Does the thought of approaching a total stranger who has caught your eye bring you out in a cold sweat? Would you be confident enough to make the first move on a night out? You may feel it’s a bold step you could never dream of actually doing, so you might be interested to hear …
The best date ideas in Bristol
Bristol is a charming and fascinating city, boasting so much to see and do that you’ll never run out of inspiration for exciting date ideas. There are plenty of fabulous free attractions at your disposal, as well as a thriving food and drinks scene and plenty of live music to seek out. Whether you are …