In an attempt to look and feel the best that they can, many single women naturally invest a lot of thought, time, and money into their clothing, make up and other accessories. However, like in just about everything else, going too far when it comes to the way you look and being overdressed will hurt …
Avoiding Common Mistakes with Men
Should You Share Your Body Count With Your New Dating Partner?
I can’t think of any benefit in sharing how many people you slept with before meeting that most recent person you started seeing. This is of course especially true, if your body count is alarmingly high. What purpose would disclosing this information serve, and how would it make your connection better, unless your new partner …
When He/She is Late for Your Date, but Doesn’t Apologize?
Suppose your date or someone you have started seeing is about half an hour or more late to meet you without letting you know in advance. Depending on how many things you had to do and rearrange to be there on time, you might be more or less upset about it. Then, when she shows …
Female Pride and Dating – the Good and the Bad
Pride is an interesting quality. It can be very healthy and useful in many situations in life in general and particularly in dating and relationships. A female pride is an essential quality that makes a woman come across as a quality woman – sophisticated, “classy” and confident. However, while some manifestations of pride make a …
Don’t Let Your Stereotypes About Dating Hurt Your Love Life
We all have stereotypes about all kinds of things, and dating is not an exception. A woman starts stereotyping as early as after being approached by two guys at a bar. If both of them were drunk and used lame pick-up lines on her, she is probably going to assume that all the guys in that club are the same way and …
Are You a Drama Queen?
Drama queens are everywhere and they come in box sexes. A drama queen is that someone who won’t stop talking about how difficult his/her life is and how many hardships he has. They usually start a conversation with how much they can’t stand their boss and their co-workers, or how they keep fighting with their …
Another Weak Question You Should Not Be Asking Girls (or Guys)
The other weak move, besides asking a girl to hang out with you, is asking a girl who you started seeing recently, or who yo went out on a date with, how her day is going. This question sounds very innocent. And it is in fact one. You may wonder what can possibly be wrong with asking how her …
This Will Make You Come Off as a Total Bitch Every Time
I haven’t been out with too many girls who I would consider were bitches, but there were a few. One example of dealing with a real bitch is particularly memorable even though it’s from more than ten years ago. I went out on a date with a tall and very attractive girl. Just a few …
Why the “What Do You Do for a Living?” is Such a Bad Question to Ask
“So, what do you do for a living?” – This is one of the most common yet also the most cliche, unoriginal questions that people, especially women, like to ask as soon as they meet someone new or as soon as they show up on that first date. This question, when being asked too soon, is …
“So, What Do You Do?
A friend recently unmatched a girl on hinge because in response to asking her what kind of food she likes and otherwise hinting at asking her out, she responded with just “What do you do?” He thought it was so lame and uncalled for that he immediately deleted their chat as he just couldn’t see …