As we all know, there are no sure-fire formulas when it comes to finding the partner of your dreams. As the saying goes, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. Like many people, I felt like I had been unlucky in love and working long hours meant that I found …
Attracting & Meeting Men
Are First Impressions Overrated?
Almost every dating book on the market talks about the importance of first impressions when it comes to meeting, flirting and attracting someone who you are interested in. Many dating advice guides go as far as to say that a woman can determine within 30 seconds of meeting a guy for the first time whether …
What The Movie “Her” Tells Us About Dating, Voices and Phone Conversations
I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with you if you said that the movie “Her” is not to be taken seriously. Despite the fact that its futurism is more realistic that that of a typical sci-fi movie, we are still quite far away from communicating with a machine on the level depicted in that movie. However, due …
An Example of How a Woman’s Personality Makes Her Irresistible to Men
If you want to see a realistic example of how a woman’s personality, sense of humor, sarcasm and wit can make her absolutely irresistible to a guy, and how it can make him fall in love with her and choose her over someone who is much more physically attractive, watch “Last Vegas”. As important as …
“Crazy Kind of Love” – Great Lessons on Flirting and Attraction
If I had to rate “Crazy Kind of Love”, it would be somewhere between great and spectacular. There are too many reasons to count as to why I liked this movie so much, and I would have to take notes while watching a movie, in order to list all the reasons, beyond great acting and …
One Critical Tip For Meeting Quality Singled Men You Can’t Afford Missing
One of the biggest obstacles that so many women have toward meeting quality single men and eventually meeting Mr. Right or at least finding that great, fulfilling, long-term relationship is painfully simple. That reason is that they severely restrict the times and the places where they are willing and ready to meet single guys. This …
One Reason Why He Didn’t Call You After Your First Date That’s Missing in This Article
In this article about the two common reasons a guy doesn’t call the girl after their first date, one critically important but less obvious reason is missing: he didn’t call you because you did not represent an exceptional value to him on a date, and there was nothing about you that made you stood out …