If you have been single for way longer than you would like to, chances are that this is for one of the following reasons that you might or might not have considered so far. It’s time to take an honest look at whether one or more of the points below applies to you. Addressing most …
Attracting & Meeting Men
A Message to US Women from a Young Female from Singapore
The following comment was posted on one of the online articles about gender relations in the US: “US women will hate me, but I’ll say it. It’s not feminism that is the problem – it’s coz women in the US took it too far. I’m from Singapore. Contrary to what they’ll have you believe, asian women …
Bragging Is A Major Turn-Off to Both Men or Women
Bragging is one of my personal pet peeves in people in any social, professional or romantic context. Bragging is as unattractive in men as it is in women. Usually, when someone brags about how wonderful they are and how accomplished they are, it makes me roll my eyes. When I hear someone talk about how honest, …
The Main Reason You Don’t Meet More and Better Guys
Some of the most “single” women who are literally obsessed with meeting guys that I have known and whose behavior I observed also struck as the most unapproachable and unfriendly looking. In an attempt to avoid at all costs coming across as too eager and too desperate, they go to another extreme and act like …
When Women’s High Self Esteem Turns Into Sense of Entitlement
“You are beautiful on the inside and out, you should be proud of who you area, you should continue to be yourself, and you deserve the best of everything that this world has to offer.” – many dating advice books for women, women’s magazines, and especially TV commercials contain this message that encourages women in so many words to …
How Entitlement Mentality Hurts Your Dating Life
Entitlement mentality aka sense of entitlement is one of my personal pet peeves in people. I can imagine that anyone, who has been in love before and who dated at least one or two people who they still consider to be exceptional, will not settle today for anyone who shows signs of entitlement, arrogance and …
Meeting Guys At a Gym While You Are All Sweaty
A female in her mid 30’s asks: “Is it a good idea to come up to a guy at a gym if I am all sweaty? And if so, what’s the best way to do it.” PH Answers: This is a very good question that’s also related to one of women’s biggest misconceptions about men …
What Does It Mean When a Guy is Staring At You (in Class)?
A 20 year-old female is asking: I noticed a guy in one of my classes keeps staring at me, but as soon as I look at him, he looks away. Do you think he is interested? And if so, how do I let him know that I would like him to make a move. PH …
Does This Limiting Belief About Who You Are Cripple Your Dating Life?
One misconception that many people have about meeting people, dating and finding love is believing that there is nothing you can do to make yourself more attractive and you just have to live with who you are and what you are. It’s easy to just sit back and say “I am beautiful and amazing, no matter …
How to Stop Overeating and Lose Weight Quickly
This site is not really about weight loss, but it is about becoming more attractive to the opposite sex. Under the risk of sounding obvious and trivial, I will note that losing and maintaining healthy weight makes you much more attractive. Even though this seems to be more important to women’s looks, being overweight affects …