women's personalityIt is commonly mentioned in our society that when it comes to attraction and romantic interest, guys don’t really care about women’s personality, and they pretty much only care about looks, while women care more about a guy’s personality and are likely to find a guy of average looks to be very attractive if his personality, sense of humor and character make up for any physical flaws. However, it is important for every single woman to not underestimate the importance of a woman’s personality to a guy when it comes to thinking about settling down with a long-term partner.

The reality is that physically attractive women are not that uncommon. Any guy who goes out to a restaurant, bar, or a club will see many beautiful and sexy women. No matter how attractive one of them is, the next one might just appear to be even more attractive. Meeting a woman who has an inner beauty that matches her physical attractiveness is much less common, however. Many, if not most, “hot” girls have lots of unattractive traits of character, that great guys would consider to be deal breakers: they are emotionally unstable; they argue a lot or simply talk way too much, they are boring and do not have any interesting thoughts and observations; or they might be uptight and easily offended or not get jokes, or unreliable when it comes to calling or showing up on dates, etc. These flaws will make the most beautiful woman less desirable or completely undesirable and will necessarily lead her to the circle of being dumped by guys over and over. This often creates and ironical situation, in which the most beautiful women who would appear to be able to date any guys she wants, turns to be the most unhappy, frustrated and disappointed with the opposite sex.

So, your personality might just be much more important to guys than you think when it comes to attracting and dating men. There is only so much you can do about changing the way you look, but there is a lot of work many women can do to have a more fun, more attractive, more interesting and thus  – a more desirable and rare personality that would strike those guys who can appreciate it as something that they should not take for granted and accordingly  – find a woman who possesses that kind of personality to be worthy of settling down with in a long-term relationship.

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