If you are you not serious about exploring the great resource of meeting people on the internet, this article will probably not yield much benefit to you. However, if its is the quality responses from quality men that you are after, you must realize that writing an online dating profile is a skill – an art if you will. The reality is that great, interesting, exceptional men are looking to meet interesting, exceptional women. While meeting people in the real world might be more romantic and thrilling, writing a great, captivating on-line dating profile can be a great opportunity to attract the kind of male attention that you are after.
In this article, I would like to discuss not so much what you could do to improve your profile and make it more compelling, but the common mistakes that women make when writing a dating profile that turn off those men who are not looking to meet a special woman who is smarter and more interesting than most. Remember, what makes a dating profile great is not only what you write but also what you don’t write. Thus, it’s important that you avoid the following, very common dating profile mistakes that so many other women make:
Dating Profile Mistake #1: Opening up with cliche, generic statement that every other woman is using.
A guy who has been around the block of internet dating will be very skeptical of yet another profile that starts with: “I am intelligent, independent, compassionate, and honest woman.” “I am successful, professional, and looking for a long term relatioship.” All these statements are great, but they do not achieve the main purpose the dating profile – they don’t make you stand out from the rest. Avoid doing this. In fact, don’t ever start your profile with “I am.” Who said that you have to describe yourself in your dating profile. Instead, say something interesting, express an opinion about the world or some issue in a funny, and witty manner. The following is just one example of starting a profile in a unique, attention catching manner: “Did you ever go to a store and wonder why they place the most worthless stuff, such as trashy magazines and junk food, up front, and put all the good stuff at the very end of the store? I wonder if the same applies to people, and whether the best people are not as conspicuous to the unarmed eye and are not as easy to find as the “rest.”
Dating Profile Mistake #2: Telling the reader that your kids are your world and they are your very first priority, and otherwise focusing your dating profile around your kids.
It’s great that you have kids and that you are determined to take care of them. You should definitely mention that you have kids in your profile, but your writing should not center around your kids. Remember, you are trying to meet guys to date on any given dating site and not tell the world the story of your children. There is no need to say more about your children than the fact that you have them. you don’t need to post 10 photos of you with your children. There are plenty of other places on and offline for you to do that. Although every mature, confident guy will understand the place that your kids have in your life, there is no reason to rub the reader’s nose into it.
Dating Profile Mistake #3: Making disqualifying statements in your profile and thinking that it raises your value and somehow makes you sound more desirable.
Making such statements as “If are you not this and not that than I am not interested… and you should skip this profile.” – “ultimatums” in your dating profile make you sound like a bitter, jaded woman, and I am sure that you don’t want to come across as such. Instead of saying what you are not looking for, tell the guys what you are looking for.
And remember – there is no better way to end your profile than a witty/thought provoking punch line. “I am interested in those guys who pay just as much attention to what I have above my shoulders as they do to the “assets” I carry below. If you can look me in the eye when talking, support me when I am upset instead of running away from “issues” and put me in my place when I deserve that, you should write me and tell me what makes you stand out from the rest…”
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