It took me about three minutes of browsing random OkCupid profiles to see it – yet another girl tells the male world about how special and how wonderful she is. I am sure I would find a similar male profile full of bragging just as quickly. I do have to admit, however, that I have never seen someone refer to themselves as exotic, let alone saying that they possess “exotic beauty”, so the writer of this profile gets extra points for surprising even me with her particularly high self-esteem.
How many guys are going to think that she is full of herself and that she will be a pain in the ass to date? How many men are going to assume that she is a high maintenance princess, for whom nothing is good enough. Bragging is a big a turn-off in the online dating world as it is in “real” life. There is absolutely no reason for you to refer to yourself in your dating profile as beautiful. As we all know, that’s in the eye of the beholder, and your pictures will tell the male viewer exactly how beautiful you are to him. The way to write a great online dating profile is not by recounting your accomplishments and great qualities, but by writing something interesting or funny or both. Let the reader find out all about how beautiful, educated, smart and funny you are through his own experience of you and not by reading your resume, or autobiography or some other kind of dating sales-pitch. It takes a little longer, but it is so much more fun.
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