On line dating fatigue! From a male perspective it is a complete waste of time. I contacted literally hundreds of girls using this method and never got a single date. Firstly, girls who are young and attractive, as far as I could work out, mainly join so that they can indulge in some innocent flirtation over the Internet for nights when their friends are not going out, and when there is nothing worth watching on the television. Secondly, just look at the stipulated objective of most of these sites, from a male perspective. They will try to introduce me to women who are well established in a
profession. What image does this conjure up in ones mind? Certainly not that of a lovely pretty young woman looking for a boyfriend. From a male perspective my advice would be simply do not waste your time. You will likely find middle aged ladies looking for mannequin dummy appearance men, who are in tune with touchy freely gay type thoughts, who are financially and career successful, who like a romantic cuddle and who,s life is not complete because they have not met the right saggy boobed frumpy woman who appreciates overpriced meals. If you are a heterosexual guy, just don’t waste your time!