liming beliefOne misconception that many people have about meeting people, dating and finding love is believing that there is nothing you can do to make yourself more attractive and you just have to live with who you are and what you are. It’s easy to just sit back and say “I am beautiful and amazing, no matter how I look and what I do, and if someone doesn’t like me this way, it’s their problem and not mine.” This  limiting belief is misguided, and it is usually nothing other than one an attempt to rationalize not doing anything about working on being able to offer more to the opposite sex than you do today. The realty is that like many other human skills and abilities, becoming more attractive – physically and otherwise – is something you can work and you can significantly improve. Just like you can become better at math, at speaking a foreign language, or at playing sports, or playing a musical instrument, you can become more fit, have a better style, be more interesting and funnier, a better conversationalist and even a better sex partner. You can even learn to become less jealous and possessive, and you can learn how to avoid other mistakes that often turn people off.

Becoming more attractive doesn’t mean that you have to stop being yourself or not being true to who you are. Besides, as you may have already found for yourself, the “be yourself” advice is hardly effective as it doesn’t really say anything and it certainly doesn’t change the bottom line – it doesn’t help you get to a better place than where you are now. Here are our top five articles that can help you start working on becoming more attractive and improve your dating life:

How to Become More Confident with Women – you may have heard that you need to look like you are confident, but is faking confidence really a way to go?

How to Overcome and Abandon Jealousy – you simply cannot be happy and you cannot make another person happy in a relationship if jealousy stands between you and your dating partner.

How to Overcome a Painful Break-Up – knowing how to handle those difficult times when you break up with someone you love is critical to being able to move on, move forward and be able to date and fall in love again, instead of spending too much time harping on your past.

Are You Trying Too Hard?  – trying too hard to impress is unattractive to both men and women. This article talks about some of the common examples that we may be trying too hard that should be avoided.

A Woman’s Most Attractive Quality – more and more guys agree that the quality discussed in this article is the most attractive element of a woman’s personality that makes her more desirable in just about every way.

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