A 20 year-old female is asking:
I noticed a guy in one of my classes keeps staring at me, but as soon as I look at him, he looks away. Do you think he is interested? And if so, how do I let him know that I would like him to make a move.
PH Answers:
It’s pretty safe to say that when the guy is staring at you in class or anywhere else, he is interested or at the very least he finds you attractive. We, guys, don’t stare at the girls we don’t find attractive, and there is no other reason for a guy to look at a girl over and over, unless he enjoys looking at her. It’s kind of like when you go out to dance. Who do you look at – the good dancers or the bad dancers? You might look at a bad dancer for a few moments, and may be a little longer if he or she is so ridiculous that you find watching them entertaining. But then, your attention will be definitely focused on a good dancer.
Coming up to a girl in class is one of the more difficult things for a guy to do because he doesn’t have any “legitimate” reason to talk to you, i.e. – he can’t ask you for directions, buy you a drink, etc. And like in most other places, guys instinctively look away when you look at them, especially the ones who are younger and less experienced.
How should you handle this, if you would like to “help” him approach you and talk to you? – The good old eye contact and a smile / a nod might be everything he needs to have the confidence to come up to you and talk to you. Another great ice breaker before you even talk to each other is making a face at the teacher during class while the guy is looking at you that would suggest that you are making fun of him or agree or disagree or are puzzled but what the teacher says. Then, see how the guy responds to your facial expression. It might make him laugh, and he will likely agree with what your say with your face. This will give him all the more reasons to follow up on that little facial exchange play after the class is over.
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