punctuality on datesPunctuality is one of the most attractive qualities you can have whether you a guy or a woman, no matter what you age, location and other circumstances are. Being punctual will serve you well in all aspects of life – social, professional and romantic.  There are three significant reasons why being punctual is such an attractive quality from the dating perspective when you are trying to meet and connect with people:

1. Punctuality and showing up on time is becoming more and more rare. 

People are becoming more and more flaky. In many places, especially in big cities – flaking is the new norm and many people have become almost used to it. They almost expect to be flaked on. But guess what – it’s good news for you. If everyone showed up on time, then your being punctual wouldn’t impress others as much. The fact that so many other people cancel on their friends and dates way too often and are consistently late for everything at least 5-10 minutes will make you stand out all the more and in all the right ways, as early as that first date, when you show up on time, regardless of whether your date is late or not.

2. Being punctual makes you come across as someone who is serious about your life and dating. 

When you show up on time, you send a clear message without saying anything: you care more and you generally have your sh-t together. It also communicates that you expect the same in return, regardless of how forgiving you might or might not be about others not being on time. This is a very attractive quality, especially to women when they see this quality in men. Time management and follow through are some of the most attractive qualities a man can possess from a woman’s perspective, and these qualities are only second in important to maybe sense of humor and honesty.

Being punctual is also one of the most effective way to stand out from the rest in this day and age of serial daters. When you show up on a date on time, you are saying without actually saying it that you are not going on coffee dates out of boredom. You are actually looking to meet someone special.

3. Punctuality is a sign of high social / professional status.

It’s not a secret that the busiest and most accomplished people are also the most punctual. Being on time means you are in control of your life and your schedule. Showing up on time for dates and returning phone calls, text message and e-mails promptly means you are not overwhelmed by your life’s obligations, and you have time and energy for dating and love in your life as well.  Showing up on time also makes great first impression. In addition to not making the other person wait, when you are on time you don’t look as stressed out and rushed as you probably would when you know that you are late.

If being punctual is not your habit yet, I highly recommend that you develop it. It doesn’t cost extra, and it doesn’t take any extra effort to be responsive and to be on time, but the benefits are quite significant, as mentioned above.

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