As frustration with the mediocre experiences of using dating apps and meeting men online grows among women, more and more of them are longing for the lost excitement of meeting guys in real life. That’s why we see more and more women post questions on Reddit and alike forum about where they can meet (good) men outside the dating apps.
Ironically, the answer to this question is no different today than it was 20 or even 30 years ago. The location does not matter. It’s your energy, demeanor, and body language that determine whether you will meet that great guy or not anywhere you go. This is not just a cliche saying to make you more optimistic about dating. Great men and terrible men can be found anywhere at any given time- from gas stations and grocery stores, to cafes, restaurants, gyms, galleries, and libraries. There is no good or bad place to meet a guy. However, if you act like 95% of the women in the US – disinterested in their surroundings, looking super unfriendly, and glued to their phone, then you won’t meet a guy anywhere, no matter how attractive and well dressed you are and no matter how many activities you are involved in. You are simply not going to be approached if you look unapproachable. And beause so many guys have been really out of practice approaching lately, this is even more true today than ever.
However, if you go back to the very basics of healthy flirting, which includes slightly longer eye contact, a smile or even a wink if appropriate, this will go a long way toward breaking the ice and getting that exciting converasation with a stranger, who you find intriguing, going, even if it’s a bit awkward at first, as it is supposed to be. This can be done at a party as much as a bus, or a department store. You would be surprised at the difference your behavior will make to the men’s response to your non-verbal interest cues. Men don’t see this too often today, and many will be really flattered but this type of attention. And, even the most shy guy will have the courage to come up to you and say something if he catches you checking you out and he is attracted to you.
Not looking at your phone all the time, looking at the world around you and making eye contact with people in an attempt to generally look more friendly an approachable will take some effort on your part. It will feel hard and unnatural at first, but it’s really worth trying, because this is the only realistic way of jump starting meeting men in real life.
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