Too many single women are afraid to show that they are interested in a guy when they are in fact interested. These women face an internal, socially conditioned barrier of fear of coming across as desperate, needy, too easy, etc. They believe that it’s wrong to come across as interested in a guy and that it will be a turn-off to that man once he finds out that she is in fact interested. These beliefs often prevent women from meeting and dating the guys whose company they would be otherwise enjoying. This unfounded desire to look uninterested creates a social mask on a woman’s face that makes her come across as unfriendly, unapproachable and… uninterested in any romantic interaction with men, which in turn discourages the majority of men to make a move. This has far reaching consequences on both the quality and the quantity of the guys that a woman meets, because the only guys who would approach a woman who looks unapproachable are the ones who treat the whole matter as sports.