overdressed girlIn an attempt to look and feel the best that they can, many single women naturally invest a lot of thought, time, and money into their clothing, make up and other accessories. However, like in just about everything else, going too far when it comes to the way you look and being overdressed will hurt you more than help when it comes to attracting and meeting quality single guys.  Like I mentioned in my article on what it means being a classy woman, one hallmark of being a classy woman is subtlety. This means being subtle and not being too much or  trying too hard when it comes to your speech, manners, voice, and, of course, your appearance. Think about how unattractive you find those guys who are not “subtle,” i.e. – the ones who try too hard to impress in all the wrong ways –  From popped collars, too much hair gel and jewelery to telling you all about their accomplishments.